HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1721st character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.5) |
INDEX # | 1240 |
shallow, not deep; superficial
浅 qiǎn |
浅 jiān |

肤浅 fū qiǎn | skin-deep; superficial; shallow |
浅薄 qiǎn bó | superficial |
搁浅 gē qiǎn | to be stranded (of ship); to run aground; fig. to run into difficulties and stop |
受益匪浅 shòu yì fěi qiǎn | to benefit (from) |
目光短浅 mù guāng duǎn qiǎn | to be shortsighted |
浅色 qiǎn sè | light color |
浅水 qiǎn shuǐ | shallow water |
浅滩 qiǎn tān | shallows; shoal; sandbar |
浅显 qiǎn xiǎn | plain; clear; obvious |
害人不浅 hài rén bù qiǎn | to cause a lot of trouble; to inflict much suffering |
深浅 shēn qiǎn | deep or shallow; depth (of the sea); limits of decorum |
浅海 qiǎn hǎi | shallow sea; sea less than 200 meters deep |
短浅 duǎn qiǎn | narrow and shallow |
浅尝辄止 qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ | to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into; to attempt half-heartedly; content with a smattering of knowledge; also written 淺嘗輒止|浅尝辄止 |
粗浅 cū qiǎn | shallow; superficial |
浮浅 fú qiǎn | skin-deep; superficial; shallow |
浅见 qiǎn jiàn | shallow opinion; humble opinion |
中途搁浅 zhōng tú gē qiǎn | to run aground in mid-course; to run into difficulty and stop |
交情匪浅 jiāo qíng fěi qiǎn | to be very close; to understand each other |
交浅言深 jiāo qiǎn yán shēn | to talk intimately while being comparative strangers (idiom) |
大浅盘 dà qiǎn pán | platter |
才疏学浅 cái shū xué qiǎn | (humble expr.) of humble talent and shallow learning (idiom); Pray forgive my ignorance,... |
深入浅出 shēn rù qiǎn chū | to explain a complicated subject matter in simple terms (idiom); (of language) simple and easy to understand |
浅尝 qiǎn cháng | dilettante; amateur; to dabble in; to flirt with (a topic) |
浅尝者 qiǎn cháng zhě | dilettante; amateur; dabbler |