HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1296th character |
RADICAL | ⽷ (120.11) |
STROKES | 17 |
INDEX # | 3419 |
complicated, complex, difficult
繁 fán |

繁荣 fán róng | prosperous; booming (economy) |
频繁 pín fán | frequently; often |
繁殖 fán zhí | to breed; to reproduce; to propagate |
繁忙 fán máng | busy; bustling |
繁华 fán huá | flourishing; bustling |
繁体字 fán tǐ zì | traditional Chinese character |
繁衍 fán yǎn | to multiply; to reproduce; to increase gradually in number or quantity |
繁星 fán xīng | many stars; a vast sky full of stars |
繁重 fán zhòng | heavy; burdensome; heavy-duty; arduous; onerous |
繁文缛节 fán wén rù jié | convoluted and overelaborate (document); unnecessarily elaborate writing; mumbo-jumbo |
繁琐 fán suǒ | many and complicated; mired in minor details |
繁复 fán fù | complicated |
繁杂 fán zá | many; diverse |
繁多 fán duō | many and varied; of many different kinds |
繁荣昌盛 fán róng chāng shèng | glorious and flourishing (idiom); thriving |
纷繁 fēn fán | numerous and complicated |
繁茂 fán mào | exuberant; luxuriant; lush and flourishing (vegetation); rank growth |
繁体 fán tǐ | traditional form of Chinese, as opposed to simplified form 簡體|简体[jian3 ti3] |
繁盛 fán shèng | prosperous; thriving; (of vegetation) luxuriant |
繁育 fán yù | to breed |
名目繁多 míng mù fán duō | names of many kinds (idiom); items of every description |
繁密 fán mì | numerous and close together; (of hair) luxuriant; (of woods) dense; (of gunfire) intense |
事务繁忙 shì wù fán máng | busy; bustling |
事務繁忙 shì wù fán máng | busy; bustling |
冗繁 rǒng fán | miscellaneous |