grain, kernel

HSK 5 #1448


  • grain, kernel
  • classifier for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts, satellites etc



粒 kē lì kernel; granule; granulated (sugar, chemical product)
老鼠屎坏了一锅汤 yī kē lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō tāng lit. a piece of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of soup (idiom); fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch
老鼠屎坏了一锅粥 yī kē lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō zhōu see 一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥|一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥[yi1 li4 lao3 shu3 shi3 huai4 le5 yi1 guo1 zhou1]
分泌粒 fēn mì kē lì secretory granule
粒物 xì kē lì wù fine particle (PM 2.5); fine particulate matter (air pollution etc)
粒无收 kē lì wú shōu not a single grain was reaped (as in a bad harvest year)
粒物 kē lì wù particulate matter (PM)
yī kē one small object; used to denote a single small or spherical object, such as a pill, bead, or in this case, a water balloon
卫星 kē wèi xīng unit word for satellites, used to count individual objects in the sky; satellite
nà kē that particle; that (measure word for small round objects such as stars)
liǎng kē two (used as a measure word for small, round objects like teeth, stars, etc.)
měi kē each; every (used before measure words to denote each individual item or object)
yī kē kē each; every single one
jǐ kē a few pieces; refers to a small number of individual, typically round objects
sì kē four (small round objects)
好几 hǎo jǐ kē quite a few (of small objects, like beads, pills, etc.)
sān kē three (counting unit for small spherical objects such as balls)
第三 dì sān kē the third one; used to refer to the third object in a sequence, similar to '第二颗'
第一 dì yī kē the first one; indicates the sequence of the first item in a group, commonly used to quantify round objects or granules
几十 jǐ shí kē several tens (dozens) of; a few tens of (referring to celestial bodies like stars or planets)
bàn kē half (of a whole, especially used to describe a heart in this context)
zhè kē this (measure word for round objects); used to refer specifically to one round item, in this case, a gem
第二 dì èr kē the second one; used to refer to the second object, often in a sequence, such as stars, pearls, or any orb-like items
第四 dì sì kē the fourth one; used to refer to the fourth object in a sequence, following the same contextual use as '第二颗' and '第三颗'
yì kē one piece; a measure word used for small spheres or pills, such as a grain of rice, a pearl, or a pill
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