
hack, chop, cut, fell

HSK 5 #2217


  • hack, chop, cut, fell
  • to chop
  • to cut down
  • to throw sth at sb



伐 kǎn fá to hew; to cut down
刀 kǎn dāo machete
价 kǎn jià to bargain; to cut or beat down a price
滥伐 làn kǎn làn fá wanton destruction of forested lands
濫伐 làn kǎn làn fá wanton destruction of forested lands
伤 kǎn shāng to wound with a blade or hatchet; to slash; to gash
傷 kǎn shāng to wound with a blade or hatchet; to slash; to gash
價 kǎn jià to bargain; to cut or beat down a price
大山 kǎn dà shān to chat (1980s Beijing slang); to chew the fat
断 kǎn duàn to chop off
斷 kǎn duàn to chop off
树 kǎn shù to chop wood; to chop down trees
樹 kǎn shù to chop wood; to chop down trees
死 kǎn sǐ to hack to death; to kill with an ax
杀 kǎn shā to attack with a bladed weapon
殺 kǎn shā to attack with a bladed weapon
头 kǎn tóu to decapitate; to behead
頭 kǎn tóu to decapitate; to behead
头不过风吹帽 kǎn tóu bù guò fēng chuī mào to regard decapitation as no more important than the wind blowing off your hat (idiom)
頭不過風吹帽 kǎn tóu bù guò fēng chuī mào to regard decapitation as no more important than the wind blowing off your hat (idiom)
磨刀不误柴工 mó dāo bù wù kǎn chái gōng lit. sharpening the axe won't make the wood-splitting take longer (idiom); fig. time invested in preparations is not lost; a beard well lathered is half shaved
磨刀不誤柴工 mó dāo bù wù kǎn chái gōng lit. sharpening the axe won't make the wood-splitting take longer (idiom); fig. time invested in preparations is not lost; a beard well lathered is half shaved
光 kǎn guāng to chop down completely
成 kǎn chéng to chop into; refers to the action of cutting or chopping something into parts or segments.
柴 kǎn chái chop firewood
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