HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 591st character |
RADICAL | ⼧ (40.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2458 |
dense, thick, close; intimate
密 mì |

密码 mì mǎ | secret code; ciphertext; password; PIN |
秘密 mì mì | secret; CL:個|个[ge4] |
密切 mì qiè | close; familiar; intimate; closely (related); to foster close ties; to pay close attention |
保密 bǎo mì | to keep sth confidential; to maintain secrecy |
亲密 qīn mì | intimate; close |
机密 jī mì | secret; classified (information) |
密封 mì fēng | to seal up |
严密 yán mì | strict; tight (organization, surveillance etc) |
密度 mì dù | density; thickness |
精密 jīng mì | accuracy; exact; precise; refined |
周密 zhōu mì | careful; thorough; meticulous; dense; impenetrable |
稠密 chóu mì | dense |
迈阿密 mài ā mì | Miami (Florida) |
史密斯 shǐ mì sī | Smith (name) |
加密 jiā mì | to encrypt; encryption; to protect with a password |
告密 gào mì | to inform against sb |
密室 mì shì | a room for keeping sth hidden; secret room; hidden chamber |
紧密 jǐn mì | inseparably close |
罗密欧 luó mì ōu | Romeo (name) |
告密者 gào mì zhě | tell-tale; informer (esp. to police); whistleblower; grass |
密探 mì tàn | secret agent; detective; covert investigator |
密西西比 mì xī xī bǐ | Mississippi |
密谋 mì móu | conspiracy; secret plan; to conspire |
泄密 xiè mì | to leak secrets |
解密 jiě mì | to declassify; (computing) to decrypt; to decipher |