HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 600th character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.8) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1956 |
- price
- value
- (to be) worth
- to happen to
- to be on duty

值得 zhí de | to be worth; to deserve |
价值 jià zhí | value; worth; fig. values (ethical, cultural etc); CL:個|个[ge4] |
值班 zhí bān | to work a shift; on duty |
值钱 zhí qián | valuable; costly; expensive |
价值观 jià zhí guān | system of values |
价值连城 jià zhí lián chéng | invaluable; priceless |
峰值 fēng zhí | peak value |
数值 shù zhí | numerical value |
面值 miàn zhí | face value; par value |
期望值 qī wàng zhí | expectations; (math) expected value |
值得一提 zhí de yī tí | to be worth mentioning |
市值 shì zhí | market capitalization; market value |
正值 zhèng zhí | just at the time of; honest; upright; (math.) positive value |
升值 shēng zhí | to rise in value; to appreciate |
一钱不值 yī qián bù zhí | not worth a penny; utterly worthless |
值勤 zhí qín | variant of 執勤|执勤[zhi2 qin2] |
贬值 biǎn zhí | to become devaluated; to devaluate; to depreciate |
绝对值 jué duì zhí | absolute value |
增值 zēng zhí | to appreciate (financially); to increase in value; value-added (accountancy) |
轮值 lún zhí | to take turns on duty |
净值 jìng zhí | net value; net worth |
生产总值 shēng chǎn zǒng zhí | gross domestic production (GDP); total output value |
平均值 píng jūn zhí | average value |
增值税 zēng zhí shuì | value-added tax (VAT) |
总值 zǒng zhí | total value |