HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 698th character |
RADICAL | ⽦ (103.9) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3136 |
doubt, question, suspect
疑 yí |

怀疑 huái yí | to doubt (sth); to be skeptical of; to have one's doubts; to harbor suspicions; to suspect that |
疑问 yí wèn | question; interrogation; doubt |
嫌疑 xián yí | suspicion; to have suspicions |
疑惑 yí huò | to doubt; to distrust; unconvincing; to puzzle over; misgivings; suspicions |
迟疑 chí yí | to hesitate |
毫无疑问 háo wú yí wèn | certainty; without a doubt |
嫌疑犯 xián yí fàn | a suspect |
疑犯 yí fàn | a suspect |
嫌疑人 xián yí rén | a suspect |
可疑 kě yí | suspicious; dubious |
质疑 zhì yí | to call into question; to question (truth or validity) |
无疑 wú yí | no doubt; undoubtedly |
疑虑 yí lǜ | hesitation; misgivings; doubt |
多疑 duō yí | mistrustful; suspicious; paranoid |
疑点 yí diǎn | a doubtful point |
疑心 yí xīn | suspicion; to suspect |
深信不疑 shēn xìn bù yí | to believe firmly without any doubt (idiom); absolute certainty about sth |
猜疑 cāi yí | to suspect; to have misgivings; suspicious; misgivings |
疑云 yí yún | a haze of doubts and suspicions |
毫不迟疑 háo bù chí yí | without the slightest hesitation |
不容置疑 bù róng zhì yí | unquestionable |
疑案 yí àn | a doubtful case; a controversy |
疑难 yí nán | hard to understand; difficult to deal with; knotty; complicated |
疑问句 yí wèn jù | question (grammar); interrogative sentence |
犹疑 yóu yí | to hesitate |