remember, reflect upon; memory

HSK 4 #1333


  • remember, reflect upon
  • memory
  • to recollect
  • to remember
  • memory



huí yì to recall; memories; CL:個|个[ge4]
jì yì to remember; to recall; memory; CL:個|个[ge4]
力 jì yì lì faculty of memory; ability to remember
录 huí yì lù memoir
犹新 jì yì yóu xīn to remain fresh in one's memory (idiom)
zhuī yì to recollect; to recall (past times); to look back
苦思甜 yì kǔ sī tián to view one's past as miserable and one's present as happy (idiom)
USB记棒 u s b jì yì bàng USB flash drive; see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]
症 shī yì zhèng amnesia
工作记 gōng zuò jì yì working memory
快速记法 kuài sù jì yì fǎ mnemotechnic method
快闪记体 kuài shǎn jì yì tǐ (computing) flash memory
快闪记体盘 kuài shǎn jì yì tǐ pán (computing) flash drive; thumb drive
苦饭 yì kǔ fàn unsavory meal taken in remembrance of past hardships; fig. poor-tasting meal
述 yì shù to talk (or write) about one's recollections of past events
莲 lín yì lián Sandy Lam (1966-), Hong Kong pop singer
短时语音记 duǎn shí yǔ yīn jì yì short-term phonological memory
化 jì yì huà memoization (computing)
器 jì yì qì memristor (memory transistor)
广度 jì yì guǎng dù memory span
电路 jì yì diàn lù memory circuit
体 jì yì tǐ (Tw) (computer) memory
随机存取记体 suí jī cún qǔ jì yì tǐ random access memory (RAM)
起 huí yì qǐ recall; to remember or think back to something in the past
里 jì yì lǐ in memory; in one's memory
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