HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 2284th character |
RADICAL | ⼟ (32.9) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2161 |
wall; stop, prevent; stop up
堵 dǔ |

堵车 dǔ chē | traffic jam; (of traffic) to get congested |
堵塞 dǔ sè | to clog up; blockage |
堵住 dǔ zhù | to block up |
拥堵 yōng dǔ | (of traffic) to become congested; congestion |
围堵 wéi dǔ | to blockade; to surround; to hem in |
七堵 qī dǔ | Chitu district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan |
七堵区 qī dǔ qū | Chitu district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan |
七堵區 qī dǔ qū | Chitu district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan |
交通堵塞 jiāo tōng dǔ sè | road congestion; traffic jam |
圍堵 wéi dǔ | to blockade; to surround; to hem in |
堵塞费 dǔ sè fèi | traffic congestion fee |
堵塞費 dǔ sè fèi | traffic congestion fee |
堵床上 dǔ chuáng shàng | (coll.) to catch an adulterous couple in the act |
堵击 dǔ jī | to intercept and attack (military) |
堵擊 dǔ jī | to intercept and attack (military) |
堵死 dǔ sǐ | to block (a road); to plug (a hole); to stop up |
堵車 dǔ chē | traffic jam; (of traffic) to get congested |
填堵 tián dǔ | to stuff; to cram into |
小洞不堵沉大船 xiǎo dòng bù dǔ chén dà chuán | A small hole not plugged will sink a great ship. |
小洞不堵,大洞受苦 xiǎo dòng bù dǔ , dà dòng shòu kǔ | A small hole not plugged will make you suffer a big hole (idiom); A stitch in time saves nine. |
小洞不堵,大洞吃苦 xiǎo dòng bù dǔ , dà dòng chī kǔ | a small hole not plugged will give you grief when it gets bigger (idiom); a stitch in time saves nine |
小洞不堵,大洞难补 xiǎo dòng bù dǔ , dà dòng nán bǔ | If you don't plug the small hole, the big hole will be hard to repair (idiom); A stitch in time saves nine. |
小洞不堵,大洞難補 xiǎo dòng bù dǔ , dà dòng nán bǔ | If you don't plug the small hole, the big hole will be hard to repair (idiom); A stitch in time saves nine. |
擁堵 yōng dǔ | (of traffic) to become congested; congestion |
添堵 tiān dǔ | to make people feel even more stressed or annoyed (coll.); to make traffic congestion even worse |