HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1297th character |
RADICAL | ⼧ (40.9) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2780 |
cold, wintry, chilly
- cold, wintry, chilly
- cold
- poor
- to tremble

寒假 hán jià | winter vacation |
寒暄 hán xuān | to exchange conventional greetings; to talk about the weather |
严寒 yán hán | bitter cold; severe winter |
寒冷 hán lěng | cold (climate); frigid; very cold |
伤寒 shāng hán | typhoid |
寒舍 hán shè | my humble home |
寒酸 hán suān | wretched; poverty-stricken; unpresentable (for clothing, gifts etc) |
寒冬 hán dōng | wintry |
饥寒交迫 jī hán jiāo pò | beset by hunger and cold (idiom); starving and freezing; in desperate poverty |
心寒 xīn hán | bitterly disappointed; frightened |
胆寒 dǎn hán | to fear; to be terrified |
寒碜 hán chen | ugly; shameful; to ridicule |
贫寒 pín hán | poor; poverty-stricken; impoverished |
不寒而栗 bù hán ér lì | shiver all over though not cold; tremble with fear; shudder |
天寒地冻 tiān hán dì dòng | cold weather, frozen ground (idiom); bitterly cold |
寒毛 hán máo | fine hair on the human body |
御寒 yù hán | to defend against the cold; to keep warm |
寒意 hán yì | a nip in the air; chilliness |
寒气 hán qì | cold air |
寒流 hán liú | cold air current; cold ocean current; cold stream |
寒喧 hán xuān | to exchange conventional greetings; to exchange pleasantries |
寒战 hán zhàn | shiver |
寒窗 hán chuāng | a life of strenuous studies (idiom) |
寒心 hán xīn | disillusioned; bitterly disappointed; terrified |
嘘寒问暖 xū hán wèn nuǎn | to enquire solicitously about sb's well-being (idiom); to pamper |