HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 132nd character |
RADICAL | ⽙ (90.6) |
INDEX # | 1617 |
will, going to, future; general
将 jiāng |
将 jiàng |
将 qiāng |

将来 jiāng lái | in the future; future; the future; CL:個|个[ge4] |
将军 jiāng jūn | Chiangchun township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan; general; high-ranking military officer; to check or checkmate; fig. to embarrass; to challenge; to put sb on the spot |
即将 jí jiāng | on the eve of; to be about to; to be on the verge of |
将近 jiāng jìn | almost; nearly; close to |
将就 jiāng jiu | to accept (a bit reluctantly); to put up with |
将要 jiāng yào | will; shall; to be going to |
上将 shàng jiàng | general; admiral; air chief marshal |
必将 bì jiāng | inevitably |
准将 zhǔn jiàng | brigadier general; commodore |
少将 shào jiàng | major general; rear admiral; air vice marshal |
麻将 má jiàng | mahjong; CL:副[fu4] |
将士 jiàng shì | officers and soldiers |
将领 jiàng lǐng | high-ranking military officer |
大将 dà jiàng | a general or admiral |
老将 lǎo jiàng | lit. old general; commander-in-chief 將帥|将帅, the equivalent of king in Chinese chess; fig. old-timer; veteran |
名将 míng jiàng | famous general |
激将法 jī jiàng fǎ | indirect, psychological method of getting sb to do as one wishes (e.g. questioning whether they are up to the task) |
干将 gàn jiàng | capable person |
过关斩将 guò guān zhǎn jiàng | to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom); abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五关斩六将[guo4 wu3 guan1 zhan3 liu4 jiang4] |
中将 zhōng jiàng | lieutenant general; vice admiral; air marshal |
大将军 dà jiāng jūn | important general; generalissimo |
门将 mén jiàng | official gatekeeper; goalkeeper (soccer, hockey etc) |
爱将 ài jiàng | trusted lieutenant |
恩将仇报 ēn jiāng chóu bào | to bite the hand that feeds one (idiom) |
猛将 měng jiàng | fierce general; valiant military leader; fig. brave individual |