HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 813th character |
RADICAL | ⾤ (165.5) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2710 |
interprete, elucidate; release
- interprete, elucidate
- release
- to explain
- to release
- Buddha (abbr. for 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼[Shi4 jia1 mou2 ni2])
- Buddhism

解释 jiě shì | explanation; to explain; to interpret; to resolve; CL:個|个[ge4] |
释放 shì fàng | to release; to set free; to liberate (a prisoner); to discharge |
注释 zhù shì | marginal notes; annotation; to annotate; to add comments to text |
爱不释手 ài bù shì shǒu | to love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to fondle admiringly |
假释 jiǎ shì | parole |
保释 bǎo shì | to release on bail; to bail |
诠释 quán shì | to interpret; to comment and explain; to annotate; to perform (i.e. interpret a theatrical role); to decode; interpretation; annotation |
释怀 shì huái | to release (tension); relief (from suspense); to dispel (usu. with negative, unable to forget) |
如释重负 rú shì zhòng fù | as if relieved from a burden (idiom); to have a weight off one's mind |
获释 huò shì | freed (from prison); to obtain release |
稀释 xī shì | to dilute |
开释 kāi shì | to release (a prisoner) |
释然 shì rán | relieved; at ease; feel relieved |
阐释 chǎn shì | to explain; to expound; to interpret; elucidation |
释义 shì yì | the meaning of sth; an explanation of the meaning of words or phrases; definition; an interpretation (of doctrine); religious doctrine |
手不释卷 shǒu bù shì juàn | lit. always with a book in hand (idiom); fig. (of a student or scholar) diligent and hardworking |
释迦牟尼 shì jiā móu ní | Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism; Sakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit: sage of the Sakya) |
释疑 shì yí | to dispel doubts; to clear up difficulties |
交保释放 jiāo bǎo shì fàng | to release sb on bail |
冰释 bīng shì | to dispel (enmity, misunderstandings etc); to vanish (of misgivings, differences of opinion); thaw (in relations) |
冰释前嫌 bīng shì qián xián | to forget previous differences; to bury the hatchet |
取保释放 qǔ bǎo shì fàng | to be released on bail (law) |
爱不忍释 ài bù rěn shì | to love sth too much to part with it (idiom) |
杯酒释兵权 bēi jiǔ shì bīng quán | to dismiss military hierarchy using wine cups; cf Song founding Emperor Song Taizu 宋太祖 holds a banquet in 961 and persuades his senior army commanders to go home to their provinces |
校释 jiào shì | to collate and annotate; (on book titles) collated and annotated |