combine, annex; also, what's more
- combine, annex
- also, what's more
- and
- furthermore
- also
- together with
- (not) at all
- simultaneously
- to combine
- to join
- to merge
- to amalgamate
- variant of 並|并[bing4]

并且 bìng qiě | and; besides; moreover; furthermore; in addition |
并非 bìng fēi | really isn't |
合并 hé bìng | variant of 合併|合并[he2 bing4]; to merge; to annex |
并列 bìng liè | to stand side by side; to be juxtaposed |
并肩 bìng jiān | alongside; shoulder to shoulder; side by side; abreast |
并发症 bìng fā zhèng | complications (undesired side-effect of medical procedure) |
并不 bìng bù | not at all; emphatically not |
相提并论 xiāng tí bìng lùn | to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms; to place on a par with; (often with negatives: impossible to mention X in the same breath as Y) |
并购 bìng gòu | merger and acquisition (M and A); acquisition; to take over |
吞并 tūn bìng | to annex |
一并 yī bìng | variant of 一併|一并, to lump together; to treat along with all the others; to lump together |
并排 bìng pái | side by side; abreast |
并存 bìng cún | to exist at the same time; to coexist |
兼并 jiān bìng | to annex; to take over; to acquire |
并驾齐驱 bìng jià qí qū | to run neck and neck; to keep pace with; to keep abreast of; on a par with one another |
并入 bìng rù | to merge into; to incorporate in |
齐头并进 qí tóu bìng jìn | to go forward together (idiom); to undertake simultaneous tasks; going hand in hand |
并行 bìng xíng | to proceed in parallel; side by side (of two processes, developments, thoughts etc) |
并发 bìng fā | to be complicated by; to erupt simultaneously |
并重 bìng zhòng | to lay equal stress on; to pay equal attention to |
并进 bìng jìn | to advance together |
声情并茂 shēng qíng bìng mào | (of a singer etc) excellent in voice and expression (idiom) |
并称 bìng chēng | joint name; combined name |
并吞 bìng tūn | to swallow up; to annex; to merge |
携手并肩 xié shǒu bìng jiān | hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder |