HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 634th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.5) |
INDEX # | 999 |
bitter; hardship, suffering
苦 kǔ |

辛苦 xīn kǔ | exhausting; hard; tough; arduous; to work hard; to go to a lot of trouble; hardship(s) |
痛苦 tòng kǔ | pain; suffering; painful; CL:個|个[ge4] |
艰苦 jiān kǔ | difficult; hard; arduous |
刻苦 kè kǔ | hardworking; assiduous |
苦涩 kǔ sè | bitter and astringent; pained; agonized |
吃苦 chī kǔ | to bear hardships |
苦尽甘来 kǔ jìn gān lái | bitterness finishes, sweetness begins (idiom); the hard times are over, the good times just beginning |
受苦 shòu kǔ | to suffer hardship |
苦难 kǔ nàn | suffering |
苦恼 kǔ nǎo | vexed; distressed |
苦苦 kǔ kǔ | strenuously; persistently; hard; painful |
挖苦 wā kǔ | to speak sarcastically; to make cutting remarks |
苦头 kǔ tou | sufferings |
苦衷 kǔ zhōng | secret trouble; sorrow; difficulties |
苦力 kǔ lì | bitter work; hard toil; (loanword) coolie, unskilled Chinese laborer in colonial times |
辛辛苦苦 xīn xīn kǔ kǔ | painstakingly; with great trouble |
苦痛 kǔ tòng | pain; suffering |
困苦 kùn kǔ | deprivation; distressed; miserable |
苦果 kǔ guǒ | lit. bitter fruit; fig. painful consequence |
自讨苦吃 zì tǎo kǔ chī | to ask for trouble (idiom); to make a rod for one's own back |
穷苦 qióng kǔ | impoverished; destitute |
苦闷 kǔ mèn | depressed; dejected; feeling low |
苦工 kǔ gōng | hard labor (in penal code); coolie |
苦海 kǔ hǎi | lit. sea of bitterness; abyss of worldly suffering (Buddhist term); depths of misery |
诉苦 sù kǔ | to grumble; to complain; grievance |