HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1639th character |
RADICAL | ⼀ (1.5) |
INDEX # | 447 |
- discard
- to lose
- to put aside
- to throw

丢人 diū rén | to lose face |
丢三落四 diū sān là sì | forgetful; empty-headed |
丢脸 diū liǎn | to lose face; humiliation |
丢掉 diū diào | to lose; to throw away; to discard; to cast away |
丢失 diū shī | to lose; lost |
丢弃 diū qì | to discard; to abandon |
丢人现眼 diū rén xiàn yǎn | to make an exhibition of oneself; to be a disgrace |
丢开 diū kāi | to cast or put aside; to forget for a while |
丢面子 diū miàn zi | to lose face |
丢手 diū shǒu | to wash one's hands of sth; to have nothing further to do with sth |
丢丑 diū chǒu | to lose face |
丢下 diū xià | to abandon |
丢到家 diū dào jiā | to lose (face) utterly |
丢包 diū bāo | (computing) packet loss; to lose a packet |
丢命 diū mìng | to die |
丢官 diū guān | (of an official) to lose one's job |
丢乌纱帽 diū wū shā mào | lit. to lose one's black hat; to be sacked from an official post |
丢眉丢眼 diū méi diū yǎn | to wink at sb |
丢眉弄色 diū méi nòng sè | to wink at sb |
丢轮扯炮 diū lún chě pào | lose a wheel, tear at the gun (idiom); flustered and confused in a panic |
丢饭碗 diū fàn wǎn | to lose one's job |
丢魂 diū hún | to be distracted |
丢魂落魄 diū hún luò pò | see 失魂落魄[shi1 hun2 luo4 po4] |
乱丢 luàn diū | to discard in the wrong place (cigarette butts etc); to leave one's things lying around |
可选择丢弃 kě xuǎn zé diū qì | discard eligible (Frame Relay); DE |