HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 692nd character |
RADICAL | ⼆ (7.2) |
INDEX # | 82 |
say, speak; clouds
- say, speak
- clouds
- (classical) to say
- surname Yun
- abbr. for Yunnan Province 雲南省|云南省[Yun2 nan2 Sheng3]
- cloud
- CL:朵[duo3]

风云 fēng yún | weather; unstable situation |
云霄 yún xiāo | Yunxiao county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian; (the) skies |
乌云 wū yún | black cloud |
云层 yún céng | the clouds; cloud layer; cloud bank |
烟消云散 yān xiāo yún sàn | to vanish like smoke in thin air; to disappear |
云彩 yún cai | (coll.) cloud; CL:朵[duo3] |
星云 xīng yún | nebula |
不知所云 bù zhī suǒ yún | to not know what sb is driving at; to be unintelligible |
云梯 yún tī | escalade |
云雀 yún què | (bird species of China) Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis) |
翻云覆雨 fān yún fù yǔ | to produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another (idiom); fig. to shift one's ground; tricky and inconstant; to make love |
白云 bái yún | Baiyun district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou; Baiyun district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong; white cloud |
云端 yún duān | fig. high in the clouds; (in the) cloud (computing) |
云集 yún jí | to gather (in a crowd); to converge; to swarm |
疑云 yí yún | a haze of doubts and suspicions |
过眼云烟 guò yǎn yún yān | ephemeral (idiom) |
平步青云 píng bù qīng yún | to rapidly go up in the world; meteoric rise (of a career, social position etc) |
云朵 yún duǒ | a cloud |
风云人物 fēng yún rén wù | the man (or woman) of the moment (idiom); influential figure |
阴云 yīn yún | dark cloud |
凌云 líng yún | Lingyun county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi; (lit. and fig.) towering; lofty; high |
蘑菇云 mó gū yún | mushroom cloud |
九霄云外 jiǔ xiāo yún wài | beyond the topmost clouds (idiom); unimaginably far away |
云母 yún mǔ | mica |
行云流水 xíng yún liú shuǐ | lit. moving clouds and flowing water (idiom); fig. very natural and flowing style of calligraphy, writing, etc; natural and unforced |