HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 623rd character |
RADICAL | ⽑ (82.0) |
INDEX # | 123 |
hair, fur, feathers; coarse
毛 máo |

毛巾 máo jīn | towel; CL:條|条[tiao2] |
羽毛球 yǔ máo qiú | shuttlecock; badminton; CL:個|个[ge4] |
毛病 máo bìng | fault; defect; shortcomings; ailment; CL:個|个[ge4] |
眉毛 méi mao | eyebrow; CL:根[gen1] |
毛衣 máo yī | (wool) sweater; CL:件[jian4] |
羽毛 yǔ máo | feather; plumage; plume |
毛发 máo fà | hair |
睫毛 jié máo | eyelashes |
毛茸茸 máo rōng rōng | hairy; shaggy |
毛毛 máo mao | (pet name for a baby or small child) |
毛毯 máo tǎn | blanket |
羊毛 yáng máo | fleece; wool; woolen |
毛皮 máo pí | fur; pelt |
皮毛 pí máo | fur; fur clothing; skin and hair; superficial; superficial knowledge |
毛毛虫 máo mao chóng | caterpillar |
出毛病 chū máo bìng | a problem appears; to break down |
汗毛 hàn máo | hair; soft hair; down |
脱毛 tuō máo | to lose hair or feathers; to molt; depilation; to shave |
毛线 máo xiàn | knitting wool; wool yarn |
毛孔 máo kǒng | pore |
鸡毛蒜皮 jī máo suàn pí | lit. chicken feathers and garlic skins (idiom); fig. trivial (matter) |
吹毛求疵 chuī máo qiú cī | lit. to blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect (idiom); fig. to be fastidious; nitpick |
绒毛 róng máo | fur; down (soft fur); villi capillary (in the small intestine) |
毛利 máo lì | gross profit |
毫毛 háo máo | hair; soft hair; down |