HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1116th character |
RADICAL | ⾦ (167.2) |
INDEX # | 757 |
needle; pin; tack; acupuncture
- needle
- pin
- tack
- acupuncture
- needle
- pin
- injection
- stitch
- CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1]
- variant of 針|针[zhen1], needle

打针 dǎ zhēn | to give or have an injection |
针对 zhēn duì | to target; to focus on; to be aimed at or against; in response to |
指南针 zhǐ nán zhēn | compass |
方针 fāng zhēn | policy; guidelines; CL:個|个[ge4] |
别针 bié zhēn | pin; safety pin; clip; brooch; CL:枚[mei2] |
针灸 zhēn jiǔ | acupuncture and moxibustion; to give or have acupuncture and moxibustion |
大海捞针 dà hǎi lāo zhēn | lit. to fish a needle from the sea; to find a needle in a haystack (idiom) |
针孔 zhēn kǒng | pinhole |
针锋相对 zhēn fēng xiāng duì | to oppose each other with equal harshness (idiom); tit for tat; measure for measure |
指针 zhǐ zhēn | pointer on a gauge; clock hand; cursor; (computing) pointer |
时针 shí zhēn | hand of a clock; hour hand |
预防针 yù fáng zhēn | immunization injection; fig. forewarning; heads-up; preventive measure |
探针 tàn zhēn | probe |
一针见血 yī zhēn jiàn xiě | lit. to draw blood on the first prick (idiom); fig. to hit the nail on the head |
撞针 zhuàng zhēn | firing pin |
针织 zhēn zhī | knitting; knitted garment |
如坐针毡 rú zuò zhēn zhān | lit. as if sitting on pins and needles; fig. to be in an uncomfortable situation |
扎针 zhā zhēn | to give or have an acupuncture treatment |
针剂 zhēn jì | fluid loaded into a syringe for a hypodermic injection |
针眼 zhēn yǎn | eye of a needle; pinprick; pinhole |
针眼 zhēn yan | (medicine) sty |
回形针 huí xíng zhēn | paper clip |
针线 zhēn xiàn | needle and thread; needlework |
针线活 zhēn xiàn huó | needlework; sewing |
避雷针 bì léi zhēn | lightning rod |