HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 691st character |
RADICAL | ⾙ (154.2) |
INDEX # | 503 |
load, burden; carry, bear
负 fù |

负责 fù zé | to be in charge of; to take responsibility for; to be to blame; conscientious |
负担 fù dān | burden; to bear a burden |
欺负 qī fu | to bully |
辜负 gū fù | to fail to live up (to expectations); unworthy (of trust); to let down; to betray (hopes); to disappoint |
胜负 shèng fù | victory or defeat; the outcome of a battle |
抱负 bào fù | aspiration; ambition |
正负 zhèng fù | positive and negative |
负责人 fù zé rén | person in charge |
自负 zì fù | conceited; to take responsibility |
负面 fù miàn | negative; the negative side |
背负 bēi fù | to bear; to carry on one's back; to shoulder |
忘恩负义 wàng ēn fù yì | to forget favors and violate justice (idiom); ingratitude to a friend; to kick a benefactor in the teeth |
负有 fù yǒu | to be responsible for |
肩负 jiān fù | to shoulder (a burden); to bear; to suffer (a disadvantage) |
如释重负 rú shì zhòng fù | as if relieved from a burden (idiom); to have a weight off one's mind |
负伤 fù shāng | to be wounded; to sustain an injury |
负荷 fù hè | load; burden; charge |
负债 fù zhài | to be in debt; to incur debts; liability (finance) |
超负荷 chāo fù hè | excess load; an overload; overloaded |
担负 dān fù | to shoulder; to bear; to undertake |
负债累累 fù zhài lěi lěi | deep in debt |
负疚 fù jiù | (literary) to feel apologetic; to feel guilty |
负载 fù zài | to carry; to support; load |
重负 zhòng fù | heavy load; heavy burden (also fig. of tax) |
负心 fù xīn | ungrateful; heartless; to fail to be loyal to one's love |