
foundation stone, plinth

HSK 4 #1014


  • foundation stone, plinth
  • foundation
  • base



jī chǔ base; foundation; basis; underlying; CL:個|个[ge4]
教育 jī chǔ jiào yù elementary education
经济基 jīng jì jī chǔ socio-economic base; economic foundation
问题 jī chǔ wèn tí basic issue; fundamental question
结构 jī chǔ jié gòu infrastructure
设施 jī chǔ shè shī infrastructure
课 jī chǔ kè basic course; core curriculum
速率 jī chǔ sù lǜ basic rate (as in ISDN)
应计基 yīng jì jī chǔ accruals basis (accounting)
现金基 xiàn jīn jī chǔ cash basis (accounting)
理论基 lǐ lùn jī chǔ theoretical foundation
零基 líng jī chǔ from scratch; from basics
打基 dǎ jī chǔ lay the foundation; to establish a base for future development or success
此基 cǐ jī chǔ this foundation; on this basis
性 jī chǔ xìng foundational; fundamental in nature, providing a basis or starting point
物质基 wù zhì jī chǔ material basis; material foundation
科学 jī chǔ kē xué basic science; fundamental science
理论 jī chǔ lǐ lùn fundamental theory; basic principles or theoretical framework
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