HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1634th character |
RADICAL | ⾁ (130.6) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1998 |
internal organs, viscera; dirty
脏 zàng |
脏 zāng |

心脏 xīn zàng | heart; CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4] |
心脏病 xīn zàng bìng | heart disease |
肮脏 āng zāng | dirty; filthy |
肝脏 gān zàng | liver |
脏话 zāng huà | profanity; obscene language; speaking rudely |
肾脏 shèn zàng | kidney |
内脏 nèi zàng | internal organs; viscera |
脾脏 pí zàng | spleen |
脏乱 zāng luàn | dirty and disordered; in a mess |
五脏六腑 wǔ zàng liù fǔ | five viscera and six bowels (TCM) |
五脏 wǔ zàng | five viscera of TCM, namely: heart 心[xin1], liver 肝[gan1], spleen 脾[pi2], lungs 肺[fei4] and kidneys 腎|肾[shen4] |
脏字 zāng zì | obscenity |
脏器 zàng qì | internal organs |
脏乱差 zāng luàn chà | (coll.) squalid; squalor |
小脏鬼 xiǎo zāng guǐ | dirty little devil (affectionate, of child) |
弄脏 nòng zāng | to make dirty; to defile; to smear |
心脏搭桥手术 xīn zàng dā qiáo shǒu shù | coronary bypass operation |
心脏收缩压 xīn zàng shōu suō yā | systolic blood pressure |
心脏疾患 xīn zàng jí huàn | heart disease |
心脏移殖 xīn zàng yí zhí | heart transplant |
心脏舒张压 xīn zàng shū zhāng yā | diastolic blood pressure |
心脏杂音 xīn zàng zá yīn | heart murmur |
满口脏话 mǎn kǒu zāng huà | to pour out obscenities; filthy mouthed |
泼脏水 pō zāng shuǐ | (lit.) to splash dirty water; (fig.) to throw mud at; to smear (sb) |
胰脏 yí zàng | pancreas |