HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1083rd character |
RADICAL | ⾌ (141.2) |
INDEX # | 1071 |
tiger; brave, fierce; surname
虎 hǔ |

老虎 lǎo hǔ | tiger; CL:隻|只[zhi1] |
马虎 mǎ hu | careless; sloppy; negligent; skimpy |
狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn | to wolf down one's food (idiom); to devour ravenously; to gorge oneself |
猛虎 měng hǔ | fierce tiger |
老虎机 lǎo hǔ jī | slot machine |
美洲虎 měi zhōu hǔ | jaguar |
虎视眈眈 hǔ shì dān dān | to glare like a tiger watching his prey (idiom); to eye covetously |
生龙活虎 shēng lóng huó hǔ | lit. lively dragon and animated tiger (idiom); fig. vigorous and lively |
马马虎虎 mǎ ma hū hū | careless; casual; vague; not so bad; so-so; tolerable; fair |
虎口 hǔ kǒu | tiger's den; dangerous place; the web between the thumb and forefinger of a hand |
母老虎 mǔ lǎo hǔ | tigress; (fig.) fierce woman; vixen |
壁虎 bì hǔ | gecko; house lizard |
虎子 hǔ zǐ | tiger cub; brave young man |
老虎钳 lǎo hǔ qián | vise; pincer pliers |
拦路虎 lán lù hǔ | stumbling block |
骑虎难下 qí hǔ nán xià | if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom); fig. impossible to stop halfway |
剑齿虎 jiàn chǐ hǔ | saber-toothed tiger |
虎头蛇尾 hǔ tóu shé wěi | lit. tiger's head, snake's tail (idiom); fig. a strong start but weak finish |
纸老虎 zhǐ lǎo hǔ | paper tiger |
如狼似虎 rú láng sì hǔ | lit. like wolves and tigers; ruthless |
狐假虎威 hú jiǎ hǔ wēi | lit. the fox exploits the tiger's might (idiom); fig. to use powerful connections to intimidate people |
笑面虎 xiào miàn hǔ | man with a big smile and evil intentions |
龙争虎斗 lóng zhēng hǔ dòu | lit. the dragon wars, the tiger battles (idiom); fierce battle between giants |
如虎添翼 rú hǔ tiān yì | lit. like a tiger that has grown wings; with redoubled power (idiom) |
雅虎 yǎ hǔ | Yahoo, Internet portal |