HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1409th character |
RADICAL | ⽽ (126.3) |
INDEX # | 1456 |
endure, bear; resist; patient
耐 nài |

耐心 nài xīn | to be patient; patience |
不耐烦 bù nài fán | impatience; impatient |
忍耐 rěn nài | to endure; to bear with; to exercise patience; to restrain oneself; patience; endurance |
耐用 nài yòng | durable |
能耐 néng nài | ability; capability |
耐力 nài lì | endurance |
耐性 nài xìng | patience; endurance |
耐克 nài kè | Nike, Inc. |
耐受 nài shòu | to tolerate; endurance |
忍耐力 rěn nài lì | patience; fortitude |
急不可耐 jí bù kě nài | unable to wait |
耐人寻味 nài rén xún wèi | thought-provoking; worth thinking over; to provide food for thought |
耐热 nài rè | heat resistant; fireproof |
耐久 nài jiǔ | durable; long-lasting |
吃苦耐劳 chī kǔ nài láo | hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom) |
耐磨 nài mó | wear resistant |
耐穿 nài chuān | durable; proof against wear and tear |
耐劳 nài láo | hardy; able to resist hardship |
耐药性 nài yào xìng | drug resistance; drug tolerance (medicine) |
不耐受 bù nài shòu | intolerance (for lactose, gluten or other foods) |
不耐煩 bù nài fán | impatience; impatient |
乳糖不耐症 rǔ táng bù nài zhèng | lactose intolerance |
交叉耐药性 jiāo chā nài yào xìng | cross-tolerance |
交叉耐藥性 jiāo chā nài yào xìng | cross-tolerance |
俗不可耐 sú bù kě nài | intolerably vulgar |