HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 399th character |
RADICAL | ⾡ (162.4) |
INDEX # | 708 |
join, connect; continuous; even
连 lián |

连续 lián xù | continuous; in a row; serial; consecutive |
连忙 lián máng | promptly; at once |
连锁 lián suǒ | to interlock; to be linked; chain (store etc) |
连同 lián tóng | together with; along with |
接连 jiē lián | on end; in a row; in succession |
连年 lián nián | successive years; over many years |
连接 lián jiē | to link; to join; to attach; connection; a link (on web page) |
连环 lián huán | chain |
牵连 qiān lián | to implicate; implicated; to link together |
相连 xiāng lián | to link; to join; link; connection |
一连串 yī lián chuàn | a succession of; a series of |
连累 lián lěi | to involve; to implicate sb; to spread to others (harm, trouble, damage etc) |
连锁店 lián suǒ diàn | chain store |
连体 lián tǐ | conjoined (twins) |
连续剧 lián xù jù | serialized drama; dramatic series; show in parts |
连任 lián rèn | to continue in (a political) office; to serve for another term of office |
连连 lián lián | repeatedly; again and again |
价值连城 jià zhí lián chéng | invaluable; priceless |
连衣裙 lián yī qún | woman's dress; frock; gown |
连贯 lián guàn | to link up (disparate elements); coherent (narrative, argument etc) |
连环画 lián huán huà | lianhuanhua (graphic novel) |
连队 lián duì | company (of troops) |
连夜 lián yè | that very night; through the night; for several nights in a row |
连锁反应 lián suǒ fǎn yìng | chain reaction |
连结 lián jié | variant of 聯結|联结[lian2 jie2] |