HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 437th character |
RADICAL | ⽀ (65.0) |
INDEX # | 89 |
disperse, pay; support; branch
支 zhī |

支持 zhī chí | to be in favor of; to support; to back; support; backing; to stand by; CL:個|个[ge4] |
支票 zhī piào | check (bank); cheque; CL:本[ben3] |
支援 zhī yuán | to provide assistance; to support; to back |
支撑 zhī chēng | to prop up; to support; strut; brace |
支配 zhī pèi | to control; to dominate; to allocate |
开支 kāi zhī | expenditures; expenses; CL:筆|笔[bi3], 項|项[xiang4]; to spend money; (coll.) to pay wages |
支柱 zhī zhù | mainstay; pillar; prop; backbone |
支出 zhī chū | to spend; to pay out; expense |
支流 zhī liú | tributary (river) |
支付 zhī fù | to pay (money) |
枪支 qiāng zhī | a gun; guns in general |
支点 zhī diǎn | fulcrum (for a lever) |
支持者 zhī chí zhě | supporter |
支架 zhī jià | trestle; support; frame; to prop sth up |
分支 fēn zhī | branch (of company, river etc); to branch; to diverge; to ramify; to subdivide |
支离破碎 zhī lí pò suì | scattered and smashed (idiom) |
透支 tòu zhī | (bank) overdraft |
支持率 zhī chí lǜ | support level; popularity rating |
预支 yù zhī | to pay in advance; to get payment in advance |
收支 shōu zhī | cash flow; financial balance; income and expenditure |
支票簿 zhī piào bù | checkbook (banking) |
支气管 zhī qì guǎn | bronchial tube; bronchus |
支气管炎 zhī qì guǎn yán | bronchitis |
支线 zhī xiàn | branch line; side road; spur; fig. secondary plot (in a story) |
超支 chāo zhī | to overspend |