
disperse, pay; support; branch

HSK 4 #437


支 zhī
  • surname Zhi
  • to support
  • to sustain
  • to erect
  • to raise
  • branch
  • division
  • to draw money
  • classifier for rods such as pens and guns, for army divisions and for songs or compositions


支 stroke order diagram
支 stroke order animation


行 zhī háng subbranch of a bank
队 zhī duì detachment (of troops)
吾吾 zhī zhī wú wú to hem and haw; to stall; to stammer; to mumble; to falter
那 zhī nà phonetic transcription of China (Japanese: Shina), colonial term, generally considered discriminatory
乐不可 lè bù kě zhī overjoyed (idiom); as pleased as punch
配权 zhī pèi quán authority to dispose of sth
吾 zhī wú to resist; to deal with
吾 zhī wu to respond evasively or vaguely; to elude; to stall
使 zhī shǐ to order (sb) around; to send on an errand; to order away
解 zhī jiě variant of 肢解[zhi1 jie3]
店 zhī diàn branch store
俾路 bǐ lù zhī Balochi (ethnic group of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan)
前 zhī qián to support the front (military)
系 zhī xì branch or subdivision of a family
部 zhī bù branch, esp. grass root branches of a political party
一木难 yī mù nán zhī lit. a single post cannot prop up a falling house (idiom); fig. one is helpless alone
一木難 yī mù nán zhī lit. a single post cannot prop up a falling house (idiom); fig. one is helpless alone
bù zhī to be unable to endure
俾路省 bǐ lù zhī shěng Balochistan (Pakistan)
jiè zhī to get an advance on one's pay
公共开 gōng gòng kāi zhī public expenditure
公共開 gōng gòng kāi zhī public expenditure
敦士登 liè zhī dūn shì dēng Liechtenstein
敦斯登 liè zhī dūn sī dēng Liechtenstein (Tw)
十二地 shí èr dì zhī the 12 earthly branches 子[zi3], 丑, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, 午, 未, 申, 酉, 戌, 亥 (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal numbers)