
throw, hurl; throw away, cast

HSK 4 #1905


扔 rēng
  • to throw
  • to throw away



掉 rēng diào to throw away; to throw out
下 rēng xià to throw down; to drop (bomb)
luàn rēng to litter; to throw away
luàn rēng to litter; to throw away
弃 rēng qì to abandon; to discard; to throw away
棄 rēng qì to abandon; to discard; to throw away
进 rēng jìn throw into; hurl into
出 rēng chū to throw out; to toss something away, often used to describe the action of physically displacing an object through the air
开 rēng kāi throw away
回 tóu guì throw back
出去 rēng chū qù throw out; to forcibly remove or eject someone or something from a place
出来 rēng chū lái thrown out
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