HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 760th character |
RADICAL | ⼋ (12.7) |
INDEX # | 1641 |
raise, rear, bring up; support
- raise, rear, bring up
- support
- to raise (animals)
- to bring up (children)
- to keep (pets)
- to support
- to give birth

养成 yǎng chéng | to cultivate; to raise; to form (a habit); to acquire |
培养 péi yǎng | to cultivate; to breed; to foster; to nurture; to educate; to groom (for a position); education; fostering; culture (biology) |
营养 yíng yǎng | nutrition; nourishment; CL:種|种[zhong3] |
抚养 fǔ yǎng | to foster; to bring up; to raise |
教养 jiào yǎng | to train; to educate; to bring up; to nurture; education; culture; upbringing; early conditioning |
保养 bǎo yǎng | to take good care of (or conserve) one's health; to keep in good repair; to maintain; maintenance |
饲养 sì yǎng | to raise; to rear |
修养 xiū yǎng | accomplishment; training; self-cultivation |
收养 shōu yǎng | to take in and care for (an elderly person, a dog etc); to adopt (a child); adoption |
领养 lǐng yǎng | adoption; to adopt (a child) |
养活 yǎng huo | to provide for; to keep (animals, a family etc); to raise animals; to feed and clothe; support; the necessities of life; to give birth |
养老金 yǎng lǎo jīn | pension |
养育 yǎng yù | to rear; to bring up; to nurture |
养老院 yǎng lǎo yuàn | nursing home |
疗养院 liáo yǎng yuàn | sanatorium |
赡养费 shàn yǎng fèi | alimony; child support; maintenance allowance |
养家 yǎng jiā | to support a family; to raise a family |
寄养 jì yǎng | to place in the care of sb (a child, pet etc); to foster; to board out |
喂养 wèi yǎng | to feed (a child, domestic animal etc); to keep; to raise (an animal) |
疗养 liáo yǎng | to get well; to heal; to recuperate; to convalesce; convalescence; to nurse |
养老 yǎng lǎo | to provide for the elderly (family members); to enjoy a life in retirement |
养父 yǎng fù | foster father; adoptive father |
休养 xiū yǎng | to recuperate; to recover; to convalesce |
供养 gōng yǎng | to supply; to provide for one's elders; to support one's parents |
供养 gòng yǎng | to make offerings (to the Gods) |