HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 539th character |
RADICAL | ⽴ (117.6) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2389 |
composition; chapter, section
章 zhāng |

文章 wén zhāng | article; essay; literary works; writings; hidden meaning; CL:篇[pian1],段[duan4],頁|页[ye4] |
规章 guī zhāng | rule; regulation |
盖章 gài zhāng | to affix a seal; to stamp (a document); to sign off on sth |
章程 zhāng chéng | rules; regulations; constitution; statute; articles of association (of company); articles of incorporation; charter (of a corporation); by-laws |
徽章 huī zhāng | badge; emblem; insignia; crest; logo; coat of arms |
勋章 xūn zhāng | medal; decoration |
章鱼 zhāng yú | octopus |
奖章 jiǎng zhāng | medal; CL:枚[mei2] |
印章 yìn zhāng | seal; signet; chop; stamp; CL:方[fang1] |
违章 wéi zhāng | to break the rules; to violate regulations |
章节 zhāng jié | chapter; section |
宪章 xiàn zhāng | charter |
乐章 yuè zhāng | movement (of a symphony) |
篇章 piān zhāng | writing; sections and chapters |
顺理成章 shùn lǐ chéng zhāng | logical; only to be expected; rational and clearly structured (of text) |
臂章 bì zhāng | armband; armlet; shoulder emblem |
杂乱无章 zá luàn wú zhāng | disordered and in a mess (idiom); all mixed up and chaotic |
图章 tú zhāng | stamp; seal; CL:方[fang1] |
断章取义 duàn zhāng qǔ yì | to quote out of context (idiom) |
肩章 jiān zhāng | epaulet; shoulder loop; shoulder mark |
做文章 zuò wén zhāng | to make an issue of sth; to fuss; to make a song and dance |
报章 bào zhāng | newspapers |
约法三章 yuē fǎ sān zhāng | to agree on three laws (idiom); three-point covenant; (fig.) preliminary agreement; basic rules |
胸章 xiōng zhāng | lapel badge; CL:枚[mei2] |
纪念章 jì niàn zhāng | memorial badge; souvenir badge; CL:枚[mei2] |