HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1405th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.3) |
INDEX # | 537 |
filthy, dirty, impure, polluted
- filthy, dirty, impure, polluted
- variant of 污[wu1]
- dirty
- filthy
- foul
- corrupt
- to smear
- to defile
- dirt
- filth

污染 wū rǎn | pollution; contamination; CL:個|个[ge4] |
贪污 tān wū | to be corrupt; corruption; to embezzle |
污蔑 wū miè | variant of 污衊|污蔑[wu1 mie4]; to slander; to smear; to tarnish |
玷污 diàn wū | to stain; to sully; to tarnish |
污点 wū diǎn | stain; taint |
污渍 wū zì | stain |
污水 wū shuǐ | sewage |
污秽 wū huì | nasty; sordid; filthy |
污迹 wū jì | blotch; stain |
污染物 wū rǎn wù | pollutant |
污辱 wū rǔ | to humiliate; to insult; to tarnish; to sully |
同流合污 tóng liú hé wū | to wallow in the mire with sb (idiom); to follow the bad example of others |
污垢 wū gòu | filth |
污言秽语 wū yán huì yǔ | filthy speech; obscenities |
污浊 wū zhuó | dirty; muddy; foul (sewer) |
油污 yóu wū | greasy and dirty; oil pollution |
排污 pái wū | to drain sewage |
水污染 shuǐ wū rǎn | water pollution |
污泥 wū ní | mud; sludge |
血污 xuè wū | bloodstain; bloodstained |
奸污 jiān wū | to rape; to violate |
污染区 wū rǎn qū | contaminated area |
污痕 wū hén | blot |
藏污纳垢 cáng wū nà gòu | to hide dirt, to conceal corruption (idiom); to shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing; aiding and abetting wicked deeds |
贪官污吏 tān guān wū lì | grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (idiom); abuse and corruption |