HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 267th character |
RADICAL | ⾄ (133.0) |
INDEX # | 410 |
reach, arrive; extremely, very
至 zhì |

甚至 shèn zhì | even; so much so that |
至少 zhì shǎo | at least; (to say the) least |
至于 zhì yú | as for; as to; to go so far as to |
至今 zhì jīn | so far; to this day; until now |
以至 yǐ zhì | down to; up to; to such an extent as to ...; also written 以至於|以至于[yi3 zhi4 yu2] |
截至 jié zhì | up to (a time); by (a time) |
无微不至 wú wēi bù zhì | in every possible way (idiom); meticulous |
以至于 yǐ zhì yú | down to; up to; to the extent that... |
不至于 bù zhì yú | unlikely to go so far as to; not as bad as |
至关重要 zhì guān zhòng yào | extremely important; vital; crucial; essential |
至极 zhì jí | very; extremely |
直至 zhí zhì | lasting until; up till (the present) |
至上 zhì shàng | supreme; paramount; above all else |
至此 zhì cǐ | up until now; so far |
自始至终 zì shǐ zhì zhōng | from start to finish (idiom) |
至高无上 zhì gāo wú shàng | supreme; paramount; unsurpassed |
时至今日 shí zhì jīn rì | (idiom) up to the present; even now; now (in contrast with the past); at this late hour |
乃至 nǎi zhì | and even; to go so far as to |
甚至于 shèn zhì yú | so much (that); even (to the extent that) |
实至名归 shí zhì míng guī | fame follows merit (idiom) |
至亲 zhì qīn | next of kin; closely related |
宾至如归 bīn zhì rú guī | guests feel at home (in a hotel, guest house etc); a home away from home |
仁至义尽 rén zhì yì jìn | extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to duty |
至理名言 zhì lǐ míng yán | wise saying; words of wisdom |
至多 zhì duō | up to the maximum; upper limit; at most |