HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 293rd character |
RADICAL | ⼙ (26.5) |
INDEX # | 901 |
promptly, quickly, immediately
- promptly, quickly, immediately
- namely
- that is
- i.e.
- prompt
- at once
- at present
- even if
- prompted (by the occasion)
- to approach
- to come into contact
- to assume (office)
- to draw near

即使 jí shǐ | even if; even though |
立即 lì jí | immediately |
即将 jí jiāng | on the eve of; to be about to; to be on the verge of |
即便 jí biàn | even if; even though; right away; immediately |
随即 suí jí | immediately; presently; following which |
即兴 jí xìng | improvisation (in the arts); impromptu; extemporaneous |
即时 jí shí | immediate |
即刻 jí kè | immediately; instant; instantly |
即可 jí kě | equivalent to 就可以; can then (do sth); can immediately (do sth); (do sth) and that will suffice |
一触即发 yī chù jí fā | could happen at any moment; on the verge |
即席 jí xí | impromptu; improvised; to take one's seat (at a banquet etc) |
在即 zài jí | near at hand; imminent; within sight |
稍纵即逝 shāo zòng jí shì | transient; fleeting |
当即 dāng jí | at once; on the spot |
一拍即合 yī pāi jí hé | lit. to be together from the first beat (idiom); to hit it off; to click together; to chime in easily |
即日 jí rì | this or that very day; in the next few days |
非此即彼 fēi cǐ jí bǐ | either this or that; one or the other |
即位 jí wèi | to succeed to the throne; accession |
旋即 xuán jí | soon after; shortly |
若即若离 ruò jí ruò lí | lit. seeming neither close nor distant (idiom); fig. to keep one's distance; (of a relationship) lukewarm; vague |
迅即 xùn jí | immediately; promptly; quickly |
即或 jí huò | even if; even though |
一触即溃 yī chù jí kuì | to collapse on the first encounter; to give way at once |
一觸即潰 yī chù jí kuì | to collapse on the first encounter; to give way at once |
一觸即發 yī chù jí fā | could happen at any moment; on the verge |