HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 860th character |
RADICAL | ⾁ (130.4) |
INDEX # | 1067 |
willing; consent to, permit
- willing
- consent to, permit
- old variant of 肯[ken3]
- to agree
- to consent
- to be ready (to do sth)
- willing

肯定 kěn dìng | to be certain; to be positive; assuredly; definitely; to give recognition; to affirm; affirmative (answer) |
宁肯 nìng kěn | would rather...; it would be better...; would prefer |
林肯 lín kěn | Lincoln (name); Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), US president 1861-1865; Lincoln, US car make |
肯尼迪 kěn ní dí | Kennedy (name); J.F. Kennedy (1917-1963), US Democrat politician, president 1961-1963 |
肯塔基 kěn tǎ jī | Kentucky, US state |
肯特 kěn tè | Kent (English county) |
肯塔基州 kěn tǎ jī zhōu | Kentucky, US state |
肯尼亚 kěn ní yà | Kenya |
阿肯色州 ā kěn sè zhōu | Arkansas, US state |
肯德基 kěn dé jī | KFC; Kentucky Fried Chicken |
阿肯色 ā kěn sè | Arkansas, US state |
中肯 zhòng kěn | pertinent; apropos |
首肯 shǒu kěn | to give a nod of approval |
肯亚 kěn yà | Kenya (Tw) (written as 肯尼亞|肯尼亚 in PRC) |
林肯郡 lín kěn jùn | Lincolnshire (English county) |
麦肯锡 mài kěn xī | MacKenzie; McKinsey |
假肯定句 jiǎ kěn dìng jù | false affirmative |
杰奎琳・肯尼迪 jié kuí lín ・ kěn ní dí | Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy (1929-1994) |
傑奎琳・肯尼迪 jié kuí lín ・ kěn ní dí | Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy (1929-1994) |
基孔肯雅热 jī kǒng kěn yǎ rè | chikungunya fever |
基孔肯雅熱 jī kǒng kěn yǎ rè | chikungunya fever |
寧肯 nìng kěn | would rather...; it would be better...; would prefer |
库肯霍夫公园 kù kěn huò fū gōng yuán | Keukenhof, flower garden in Netherlands |
庫肯霍夫公園 kù kěn huò fū gōng yuán | Keukenhof, flower garden in Netherlands |
斯托肯立石圈 sī tuō kěn lì shí quān | Stonehenge stone circle |