HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 608th character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.8) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1960 |
fall over; lie down; take turns
倒 dào |
倒 dǎo |

倒霉 dǎo méi | to have bad luck; to be out of luck |
摔倒 shuāi dǎo | to fall down; to slip and fall; to throw sb to the ground |
颠倒 diān dǎo | to turn upside down; to reverse; back to front; confused; deranged; crazy |
倒闭 dǎo bì | to go bankrupt; to close down |
倒数 dào shǔ | to count backwards (from 10 down to 0); to count down; from the bottom (lines on a page); from the back (rows of seats) |
倒数 dào shù | inverse number; reciprocal (math.) |
倒下 dǎo xià | to collapse; to topple over |
倒是 dào shi | contrary to what one might expect; actually; contrariwise; why don't you |
打倒 dǎ dǎo | to overthrow; to knock down; Down with ... ! |
击倒 jī dǎo | to knock down; knocked down |
晕倒 yūn dǎo | to faint; to swoon; to black out; to become unconscious |
跌倒 diē dǎo | to tumble; to fall; fig. to suffer a reverse (in politics or business) |
昏倒 hūn dǎo | to faint |
绊倒 bàn dǎo | to trip; to stumble |
倒塌 dǎo tā | to collapse (of building); to topple over |
倾倒 qīng dǎo | to topple over; to greatly admire |
倾倒 qīng dào | to dump; to pour; to empty out |
吓倒 xià dǎo | to be frightened |
推倒 tuī dǎo | to push over; to overthrow |
卧倒 wò dǎo | to lie down; to drop to the ground |
压倒 yā dǎo | to overwhelm; to overpower; overwhelming |
倒车 dǎo chē | to change buses, trains etc |
倒车 dào chē | to reverse (a vehicle); to drive backwards |
倒退 dào tuì | to fall back; to go in reverse |
倒流 dào liú | to flow backwards; reverse flow |