HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 565th character |
RADICAL | ⽏ (80.1) |
INDEX # | 345 |
mother; female elders; female
母 mǔ |

母亲 mǔ qīn | mother; also pr. [mu3 qin5]; CL:個|个[ge4] |
字母 zì mǔ | letter (of the alphabet); CL:個|个[ge4] |
岳母 yuè mǔ | wife's mother, mother-in-law |
伯母 bó mǔ | wife of father's elder brother; aunt; (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother); CL:個|个[ge4] |
母语 mǔ yǔ | native language; mother tongue; (linguistics) parent language |
父母 fù mǔ | father and mother; parents |
祖母 zǔ mǔ | father's mother; paternal grandmother |
圣母 shèng mǔ | the Virgin Mary; goddess |
继母 jì mǔ | stepmother |
母女 mǔ nǚ | mother-daughter |
生母 shēng mǔ | natural mother; birth mother |
祖父母 zǔ fù mǔ | paternal grandparents |
水母 shuǐ mǔ | jellyfish; medusa |
母亲节 mǔ qīn jié | Mother's Day |
母子 mǔ zǐ | mother and child; parent and subsidiary (companies); principal and interest |
母鸡 mǔ jī | hen |
母体 mǔ tǐ | (zoology, medicine) mother's body; (chemistry etc) parent; matrix; (statistics) population; parent population |
母乳 mǔ rǔ | mother's milk |
字母表 zì mǔ biǎo | alphabet |
父母亲 fù mǔ qīn | parents |
外祖母 wài zǔ mǔ | mother's mother; maternal grandmother |
母爱 mǔ ài | maternal love |
曾祖母 zēng zǔ mǔ | father's father's mother; paternal great-grandmother |
母校 mǔ xiào | alma mater |
航母 háng mǔ | aircraft carrier; abbr. for 航空母艦|航空母舰[hang2 kong1 mu3 jian4] |