mother; female elders; female

HSK 4 #565


母 mǔ
  • mother
  • elderly female relative
  • origin
  • source
  • (of animals) female


母 stroke order diagram
母 stroke order animation


老虎 mǔ lǎo hǔ tigress; (fig.) fierce woman; vixen
yǎng mǔ foster mother; adoptive mother
jiào mǔ leaven; yeast
航空舰 háng kōng mǔ jiàn aircraft carrier; CL:艘[sou1]; (coll.) (fig.) sth huge; (like) a whale
娘 zhàng mǔ niáng wife's mother; mother-in-law; same as 丈母
大写字 dà xiě zì mǔ capital letters; uppercase letters
公司 mǔ gōng sī parent company
luó mǔ nut (female component of nut and bolt)
衣食父 yī shí fù mǔ the people one depends upon for one's livelihood; one's bread and butter
yún mǔ mica
jiā mǔ (polite) my mother
cí mǔ warm, caring mother
夜叉 mǔ yè chā witch; shrew; vixen
菌 jiào mǔ jūn yeast; mold
yí mǔ mother's sister; maternal aunt
绿 zǔ mǔ lǜ emerald
bǎo mǔ female brothel keeper; a bawd
gū mǔ father's sister; paternal aunt
fēn mǔ denominator of a fraction
系 mǔ xì maternal; matriarchal
jiù mǔ wife of mother's brother; aunt; maternal uncle's wife
shū mǔ aunt; wife of father's younger brother
hòu mǔ stepmother
拉丁字 lā dīng zì mǔ Latin alphabet
机 mǔ jī machine tool; mother ship