
angered, filled with hate

HSK 4 #1704


  • angered, filled with hate
  • to get angry


恼 stroke order diagram
恼 stroke order animation


fán nǎo to be worried; to be distressed; worries
火 nǎo huǒ to get angry; irritated; to annoy; to aggravate; annoying
kǔ nǎo vexed; distressed
rě nǎo to offend
人 nǎo rén annoying; irksome; to irritate
怒 nǎo nù resentful; angry; to enrage sb
ào nǎo annoyed; vexed; upset
自寻烦 zì xún fán nǎo to bring trouble on oneself (idiom)
羞成怒 nǎo xiū chéng nù to fly into a rage out of humiliation; to be ashamed into anger (idiom)
qì nǎo to be annoyed; to get angry
恨 nǎo hèn to hate and resent; angry and full of grievances
kě nǎo aggravating; irritating
xiū nǎo resentful; humiliated and angry
zhuó nǎo to be enraged
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