HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 710th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.13) |
STROKES | 16 |
INDEX # | 3379 |
arouse, excite, incite; quickly
激 jī |

激动 jī dòng | to move emotionally; to stir up (emotions); to excite |
感激 gǎn jī | to be grateful; to appreciate; thankful |
刺激 cì jī | to provoke; to irritate; to upset; to stimulate; to excite; irritant |
激烈 jī liè | (of competition or fighting) intense; fierce; (of pain) acute; (of an expression of opinion) impassioned; vehement; (of a course of action) drastic; extreme |
冰激凌 bīng jī líng | ice cream |
激情 jī qíng | passion; fervor; enthusiasm; strong emotion |
激励 jī lì | to encourage; to urge; motivation; incentive |
激发 jī fā | to arouse; to excite |
激光 jī guāng | laser |
激怒 jī nù | to infuriate; to enrage; to exasperate |
激活 jī huó | to activate |
激进 jī jìn | radical; extreme; extremist |
激素 jī sù | hormone |
感激不尽 gǎn jī bù jìn | can't thank sb enough (idiom) |
激起 jī qǐ | to arouse; to evoke; to cause; to stir up |
过激 guò jī | drastic; extreme; aggressive |
激战 jī zhàn | to fight fiercely; fierce battle |
雌激素 cí jī sù | estrogen |
激流 jī liú | torrent; torrential current; whitewater |
偏激 piān jī | extreme (usu. of thoughts, speech, circumstances) |
激增 jī zēng | to increase rapidly; to shoot up |
激昂 jī áng | impassioned; worked up |
激光器 jī guāng qì | laser |
性激素 xìng jī sù | sex hormone |
激将法 jī jiàng fǎ | indirect, psychological method of getting sb to do as one wishes (e.g. questioning whether they are up to the task) |