HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 560th character |
RADICAL | ⽷ (120.4) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1884 |
tense, tight, taut; firm, secure
- tense, tight, taut
- firm, secure
- tight
- strict
- close at hand
- near
- urgent
- tense
- hard up
- short of money
- to tighten

紧张 jǐn zhāng | nervous; keyed up; intense; tense; strained; in short supply; scarce; CL:陣|阵[zhen4] |
紧急 jǐn jí | urgent; emergency |
赶紧 gǎn jǐn | hurriedly; without delay |
抓紧 zhuā jǐn | to grasp firmly; to pay special attention to; to rush in; to make the most of |
不要紧 bù yào jǐn | unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind; it looks all right, but |
紧迫 jǐn pò | pressing; urgent |
无关紧要 wú guān jǐn yào | indifferent; insignificant |
紧紧 jǐn jǐn | closely; tightly |
要紧 yào jǐn | important; urgent |
紧密 jǐn mì | inseparably close |
紧身 jǐn shēn | skintight |
紧跟 jǐn gēn | to follow precisely; to comply with |
紧凑 jǐn còu | compact; terse; tight (schedule) |
加紧 jiā jǐn | to intensify; to speed up; to step up |
紧要关头 jǐn yào guān tóu | urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture |
收紧 shōu jǐn | to tighten up (restrictions etc) |
紧急状态 jǐn jí zhuàng tài | state of emergency |
紧要 jǐn yào | critical; crucial; vital |
紧握 jǐn wò | to hold firmly, not let go |
咬紧牙关 yǎo jǐn yá guān | lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain; to bite the bullet |
紧贴 jǐn tiē | to stick close to; to press up against |
紧逼 jǐn bī | to press hard; to close in on |
手头紧 shǒu tóu jǐn | short of money; hard up |
紧缩 jǐn suō | (economics) to reduce; to curtail; to cut back; to tighten; austerity; tightening; crunch |
紧缺 jǐn quē | in short supply; scarce |