
still, but; decline; retreat

HSK 4 #287


  • still, but
  • decline
  • retreat
  • old variant of 卻|却[que4]
  • but
  • yet
  • however
  • while
  • to go back
  • to decline
  • to retreat
  • nevertheless
  • even though



lěng què to cool off; cooling
wàng què to forget
退 tuì què to retreat; to shrink back
剂 lěng què jì coolant
liǎo què to resolve; to settle
塔 lěng què tǎ cooling tower
望而步 wàng ér què bù to shrink back; to flinch
步 què bù to step back
shěng què to save; to get rid of (so saving space)
此生 liǎo què cǐ shēng to die; to be done with this world
水 lěng què shuǐ cooling water (in a reactor)
之不恭 què zhī bù gōng to refuse would be impolite
倒 què dào but on the contrary; but unexpectedly
才 què cái just now
是 què shì nevertheless; actually; the fact is ...
病 què bìng to prevent or treat a disease
情不可 qíng bù kě què unable to refuse because of affection
pāo què to discard
tuī què to repel; to decline
曾经沧海难为水,除巫山不是云 céng jīng cāng hǎi nán wéi shuǐ , chú què wū shān bù shì yún there are no rivers to one who has crossed the ocean, and no clouds to one who has passed Mount Wu (idiom); one who has seen the world doesn't stop at small things
xiè què to decline; to refuse politely
说 què shuō but say; however, state
没能 què méi néng but failed to; however could not
望 què wàng but looking at; indicating a contrast between expectations and reality in terms of gaze or direction of eyes
不曾 què bù céng but never did; indicates a contrast with what might be expected, suggesting something has not happened in the past
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