HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 952nd character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.3) |
INDEX # | 681 |
material, stuff; timber; talent
材 cái |

材料 cái liào | material; data; makings; stuff; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3] |
身材 shēn cái | stature; build (height and weight); figure |
教材 jiào cái | teaching material; CL:本[ben3] |
器材 qì cái | equipment; material |
题材 tí cái | subject matter |
棺材 guān cai | coffin; CL:具[ju4],口[kou3] |
素材 sù cái | source material (in literature and art) |
木材 mù cái | wood |
蠢材 chǔn cái | idiot |
材质 cái zhì | texture of timber; quality of material; material (that sth is made of) |
高材生 gāo cái shēng | student of great ability |
建材 jiàn cái | building materials |
原材料 yuán cái liào | raw materials; unprocessed materials |
取材 qǔ cái | to collect material |
钢材 gāng cái | steel (as raw material); steel sheets, bars, tubes, ingots, wire etc |
成材 chéng cái | to make sth of oneself; to become a person who is worthy of respect; (of a tree) to grow to full size; to become useful for timber |
药材 yào cái | medicinal ingredient |
就地取材 jiù dì qǔ cái | to draw on local resources; using materials at hand |
人材 rén cái | variant of 人才[ren2 cai2] |
耗材 hào cái | consumables; to consume raw materials |
良材 liáng cái | good timber; sound material; fig. able person; sound chap |
复合材料 fù hé cái liào | composite material |
不成材 bù chéng cái | worthless; good-for-nothing |
不材 bù cái | untalented; I; me (humble); also written 不才[bu4 cai2] |
不见棺材不落泪 bù jiàn guān cai bù luò lèi | lit. not to shed a tear until one sees the coffin (idiom); fig. refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality |