HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1483rd character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.4) |
INDEX # | 618 |
disturb, annoy, agitate
扰 rǎo |

打扰 dǎ rǎo | to disturb; to bother; to trouble |
骚扰 sāo rǎo | to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass |
干扰 gān rǎo | to disturb; to interfere; perturbation; interference (physics) |
扰乱 rǎo luàn | to disturb; to perturb; to harass |
困扰 kùn rǎo | to perplex; to disturb; to cause complications |
性骚扰 xìng sāo rǎo | sexual harassment |
烦扰 fán rǎo | to bother; to disturb; to vex |
侵扰 qīn rǎo | to invade and harass |
惊扰 jīng rǎo | to alarm; to agitate |
扰动 rǎo dòng | to disturb; to stir up; disturbance; agitation; turmoil |
纷扰 fēn rǎo | turmoil; unrest; disturbance |
干扰素 gān rǎo sù | interferon |
搅扰 jiǎo rǎo | to disturb; to annoy |
不胜其扰 bù shèng qí rǎo | unable to put up with (sth) any longer |
使困扰 shǐ kùn rǎo | to harass |
兵戈扰攘 bīng gē rǎo rǎng | arms and confusion (idiom); turmoil of war |
喧扰 xuān rǎo | to disturb by noise |
射频干扰 shè pín gān rǎo | radio interference; RF interference |
庸人自扰 yōng rén zì rǎo | lit. silly people get their panties in a bunch (idiom); fig. to get upset over nothing; to make problems for oneself |
徒自惊扰 tú zì jīng rǎo | to alarm oneself unnecessarily (idiom) |
微扰 wēi rǎo | infinitesimal disturbance; perturbation (physics) |
微扰展开 wēi rǎo zhǎn kāi | perturbative expansion (physics) |
微扰论 wēi rǎo lùn | perturbation theory |
搔扰 sāo rǎo | to disturb; to harass |
扰攘 rǎo rǎng | bustling; to create trouble; to disturb |