HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 640th character |
RADICAL | ⼙ (26.4) |
INDEX # | 285 |
print, seal, stamp, chop, mark
印 yìn |

印象 yìn xiàng | impression |
打印 dǎ yìn | to print; to seal; to stamp |
复印 fù yìn | to photocopy; to duplicate a document |
印刷 yìn shuā | to print; printing |
印度 yìn dù | India |
印第安 yìn dì ān | (American) Indian; native American; indigenous peoples of the Americas |
脚印 jiǎo yìn | footprint |
印记 yìn jì | imprint; trace |
复印件 fù yìn jiàn | photocopy; duplicate |
印第安纳 yìn dì ān nà | Indiana, US state |
印章 yìn zhāng | seal; signet; chop; stamp; CL:方[fang1] |
复印机 fù yìn jī | photocopier |
打印机 dǎ yìn jī | printer |
烙印 lào yìn | to brand (cattle etc); brand; (fig.) to leave a lasting mark; to stigmatize; mark; stamp; stigma |
影印 yǐng yìn | photographic reproduction; photocopying; photo-offset |
印尼 yìn ní | Indonesia (abbr. for 印度尼西亞|印度尼西亚) |
心心相印 xīn xīn xiāng yìn | two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit |
印度教 yìn dù jiào | Hinduism; Indian religion |
印花 yìn huā | tax stamp |
印痕 yìn hén | molding; printed impression |
印第安纳州 yìn dì ān nà zhōu | Indiana, US state |
印度人 yìn dù rén | Indian (person); CL:個|个[ge4]; Indian people |
印象派 yìn xiàng pài | impressionism |
水印 shuǐ yìn | watermark |
印证 yìn zhèng | to seal; to confirm; to corroborate; to verify |