HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 2038th character |
RADICAL | ⼟ (32.10) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 3001 |
model in clay, sculpt; plastics
- model in clay, sculpt
- plastics
- to model (a figure) in clay

塑料袋 sù liào dài | plastic bag |
雕塑 diāo sù | a statue; a Buddhist image; sculpture; to carve |
塑造 sù zào | to model; to mold; (fig.) to create (a character, a market, an image etc); (literature) to portray (in words) |
塑料 sù liào | plastics; CL:種|种[zhong3] |
塑胶 sù jiāo | plastic; synthetic resin; plastic cement |
重塑 chóng sù | to reconstruct (an art object); to remodel |
塑像 sù xiàng | (molded or modeled) statue |
泡沫塑料 pào mò sù liào | styrofoam |
可塑性 kě sù xìng | plasticity |
塑性 sù xìng | plasticity |
泥塑 ní sù | clay modeling; clay figurine or statue |
动态雕塑 dòng tài diāo sù | (fine arts) a mobile |
動態雕塑 dòng tài diāo sù | (fine arts) a mobile |
塑化剂 sù huà jì | plasticizer |
塑化劑 sù huà jì | plasticizer |
塑封 sù fēng | to laminate; laminated; laminate |
塑料王 sù liào wáng | "super plastic" (term used to refer to Teflon) |
塑膜 sù mó | plastic film (abbr. for 塑料薄膜[su4 liao4 bo2 mo2]) |
塑膠 sù jiāo | plastic; synthetic resin; plastic cement |
塑胶炸药 sù jiāo zhà yào | plastic explosive |
塑膠炸藥 sù jiāo zhà yào | plastic explosive |
塑胶爆炸物 sù jiāo bào zhà wù | plastic explosive |
塑膠爆炸物 sù jiāo bào zhà wù | plastic explosive |
塑胶跑道 sù jiāo pǎo dào | synthetic athletics track; tartan track |
塑膠跑道 sù jiāo pǎo dào | synthetic athletics track; tartan track |