HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1345th character |
RADICAL | ⽯ (112.3) |
INDEX # | 1046 |
number, numerals; yard; symbol
- number, numerals
- yard
- symbol
- weight
- number
- code
- to pile
- to stack
- classifier for length or distance (yard), happenings etc

号码 hào mǎ | number; CL:堆[dui1],個|个[ge4] |
密码 mì mǎ | secret code; ciphertext; password; PIN |
数码 shù mǎ | number; numerals; figures; digital; amount; numerical code |
起码 qǐ mǎ | at the minimum; at the very least |
码头 mǎ tóu | dock; pier; wharf; CL:個|个[ge4] |
代码 dài mǎ | code |
筹码 chóu mǎ | bargaining chip; gaming chip; casino token |
编码 biān mǎ | to code; to encode; code |
尺码 chǐ mǎ | size; fitting (of apparel) |
两码事 liǎng mǎ shì | two quite different things; another kettle of fish |
价码 jià mǎ | price tag |
解码 jiě mǎ | to decode; to decipher |
解码器 jiě mǎ qì | decoder |
戏码 xì mǎ | item (on a program) |
条形码 tiáo xíng mǎ | barcode |
码子 mǎ zi | number (e.g. page or house number); numeral (e.g. Arabic or Chinese numeral); code sign; plus or minus sound; counter; chip (e.g. in gambling games); price tag; ready cash at one's disposal (old) |
识别码 shí bié mǎ | identifier |
砝码 fǎ mǎ | standard weight (used on a balance scale) |
页码 yè mǎ | page number |
编码器 biān mǎ qì | encoder |
源代码 yuán dài mǎ | source code (computing) |
邮政编码 yóu zhèng biān mǎ | postal code; zip code |
明码 míng mǎ | non-secret code (such as Morse code, Chinese telegraph code, ASCII etc); plaintext (cryptography); (of prices) clearly marked |
加码 jiā mǎ | to ratchet up; to raise (expectations etc); to increase (a quota, a position in the market etc); to up the ante; (computing) to encode |
条码 tiáo mǎ | barcode |