number, numerals; yard; symbol


  • number, numerals
  • yard
  • symbol
  • weight
  • number
  • code
  • to pile
  • to stack
  • classifier for length or distance (yard), happenings etc


中文標準交換 zhōng wén biāo zhǔn jiāo huàn mǎ CSIC, Chinese standard interchange code used from 1992
luàn mǎ mojibake (nonsense characters displayed when software fails to render text according to its intended character encoding)
二維 èr wéi mǎ two-dimensional barcode; QR code
二進制編 èr jìn zhì biān mǎ binary code; binary encoding
五筆編 wǔ bǐ biān mǎ five-stroke code, Chinese character input method
交換 jiāo huàn mǎ interchange code; computer coding for characters, including Chinese
dài mǎ code
段 dài mǎ duàn code segment
頁 dài mǎ yè code page
偽代 wěi dài mǎ pseudocode
傳真號 chuán zhēn hào mǎ fax number
jià mǎ price tag
nèi mǎ internal code
事 liǎng mǎ shì two quite different things; another kettle of fish
jiā mǎ to ratchet up; to raise (expectations etc); to increase (a quota, a position in the market etc); to up the ante; (computing) to encode
區域 qū yù mǎ region code (DVD)
qū mǎ area code; telephone dialing code
十二 shí èr mǎ 12-yard (sports); penalty kick
原始 yuán shǐ mǎ source code (computing) (Tw, HK)
反密子 fǎn mì mǎ zi anticodon
單一 dān yī mǎ Unicode; also written 統一碼|统一码
四角號 sì jiǎo hào mǎ four corner code (input method for Chinese characters)
國家代 guó jiā dài mǎ country code
國家標準中文交換 guó jiā biāo zhǔn zhōng wén jiāo huàn mǎ CNS 11643, Chinese character coding adopted in Taiwan, 1986-1992
國家標準 guó jiā biāo zhǔn mǎ Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. 國標碼|国标码
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