HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 384th character |
RADICAL | ⼦ (39.3) |
INDEX # | 391 |
exist, live, be; survive; remain
- exist, live, be
- survive
- remain
- to exist
- to deposit
- to store
- to keep
- to survive

存在 cún zài | to exist; to be; existence |
保存 bǎo cún | to conserve; to preserve; to keep; to save (a file etc) (computing) |
生存 shēng cún | to exist; to survive |
储存 chǔ cún | stockpile; to store; to stockpile; storage |
幸存者 xìng cún zhě | survivor |
幸存 xìng cún | to survive (a disaster) |
存活 cún huó | to survive (a serious accident); survival |
存款 cún kuǎn | to deposit money (in a bank etc); bank savings; bank deposit |
存放 cún fàng | to deposit; to store; to leave in sb's care |
存货 cún huò | stock; inventory (of material) |
存储 cún chǔ | to store up; to stockpile; (computer) to save; to store; memory; storage |
库存 kù cún | property or cash held in reserve; stock |
存心 cún xīn | deliberately |
共存 gòng cún | to coexist |
封存 fēng cún | to sequester; to seal up (for safe keeping); to freeze (an account); to mothball |
存档 cún dàng | to file; to save a file (computer); saved data (for a video game etc) |
存折 cún zhé | passbook; bankbook |
存入 cún rù | to deposit (e.g. in a bank account) |
内存 nèi cún | internal storage; computer memory; random access memory (RAM) |
适者生存 shì zhě shēng cún | survival of the fittest |
长存 cháng cún | to exist forever |
留存 liú cún | to keep; to preserve; extant; to remain (from the past) |
残存 cán cún | to survive; remnant |
现存 xiàn cún | extant; existent; in stock |
生死存亡 shēng sǐ cún wáng | matter of life and death |