HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 938th character |
RADICAL | ⾴ (181.3) |
INDEX # | 1559 |
obey, submit to, go along with
- obey, submit to, go along with
- to obey
- to follow
- to arrange
- to make reasonable
- along
- favorable

顺利 shùn lì | smoothly; without a hitch |
顺便 shùn biàn | conveniently; in passing; without much extra effort |
顺序 shùn xù | sequence; order |
孝顺 xiào shùn | filial; dutiful; devoted to one's parents (and grandparents etc); to show filial piety towards (an older family member); filial piety |
一帆风顺 yī fān fēng shùn | propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom); plain sailing; to go smoothly; have a nice trip! |
顺着 shùn zhe | to follow; following; along |
一路顺风 yī lù shùn fēng | to have a pleasant journey (idiom) |
顺路 shùn lù | by the way; while out doing sth else; conveniently |
顺道 shùn dào | on the way |
顺从 shùn cóng | obedient; to comply; to submit; to defer |
顺风 shùn fēng | lit. tail wind; Bon voyage! |
顺带 shùn dài | (do sth) in passing; incidentally (while doing sth else) |
顺眼 shùn yǎn | pleasing to the eye; nice to look at |
温顺 wēn shùn | docile; meek |
顺手 shùn shǒu | easily; without trouble; while one is at it; in passing; handy |
顺畅 shùn chàng | smooth and unhindered; fluent |
顺心 shùn xīn | happy; satisfactory |
顺手牵羊 shùn shǒu qiān yáng | lit. to lead away a goat while passing by (idiom); fig. to opportunistically pocket sb's possessions and walk off |
柔顺 róu shùn | gentle and agreeable; supple; yielding |
顺势 shùn shì | to take advantage; to seize an opportunity; in passing; without taking extra trouble; conveniently |
顺理成章 shùn lǐ chéng zhāng | logical; only to be expected; rational and clearly structured (of text) |
理顺 lǐ shùn | to straighten out; to sort out; to organize |
顺子 shùn zi | a straight (poker, mahjong) |
顺藤摸瓜 shùn téng mō guā | lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon; to track sth following clues |
看不顺眼 kàn bù shùn yǎn | unpleasant to the eye; objectionable |