HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1122nd character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.5) |
INDEX # | 978 |
embrace, hold in arms, enfold
抱 bào |

抱歉 bào qiàn | to be sorry; to feel apologetic; sorry! |
抱怨 bào yuàn | to complain; to grumble; to harbor a complaint; to feel dissatisfied |
拥抱 yōng bào | to embrace; to hug |
抱负 bào fù | aspiration; ambition |
抱抱 bào bào | to hug; to embrace |
怀抱 huái bào | to hug; to cherish; within the bosom (of the family); to embrace (also fig. an ideal, aspiration etc) |
抱有 bào yǒu | have; possess |
搂抱 lǒu bào | to hug; to embrace |
抱佛脚 bào fó jiǎo | lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense) (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; panic measures in place of timely preparation |
打抱不平 dǎ bào bù píng | to come to the aid of sb suffering an injustice; to fight for justice; also written 抱打不平[bao4 da3 bu4 ping2] |
环抱 huán bào | to encircle; surrounded by |
抱头痛哭 bào tóu tòng kū | to weep disconsolately; to cry on each other's shoulder |
抱不平 bào bù píng | to be outraged by an injustice |
抱病 bào bìng | to be ill; to be in bad health |
抱屈 bào qū | feel wronged |
抱恨 bào hèn | to have a gnawing regret |
公主抱 gōng zhǔ bào | to carry sb the way grooms carry brides across the threshold |
合抱 hé bào | to wrap one's arm around (used to describe the girth of a tree trunk) |
平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚 píng shí bù shāo xiāng , lín shí bào fó jiǎo | lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; doing things at the last minute; to make a hasty last-minute effort (often refers to cramming for exams) |
平時不燒香,臨時抱佛腳 píng shí bù shāo xiāng , lín shí bào fó jiǎo | lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; doing things at the last minute; to make a hasty last-minute effort (often refers to cramming for exams) |
懷抱 huái bào | to hug; to cherish; within the bosom (of the family); to embrace (also fig. an ideal, aspiration etc) |
投怀送抱 tóu huái sòng bào | to throw oneself in sb's arms; to throw oneself at sb |
投懷送抱 tóu huái sòng bào | to throw oneself in sb's arms; to throw oneself at sb |
抱佛腳 bào fó jiǎo | lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense) (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; panic measures in place of timely preparation |
抱大腿 bào dà tuǐ | (coll.) to cling to sb influential or famous |