HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 836th character |
RADICAL | ⼴ (53.4) |
INDEX # | 840 |
series, serial order, sequence
- series, serial order, sequence
- order
- sequence
- preface

顺序 shùn xù | sequence; order |
程序 chéng xù | procedures; sequence; order; computer program |
秩序 zhì xù | order (orderly); order (sequence); social order; the state (of society); CL:個|个[ge4] |
次序 cì xù | sequence; order |
循序渐进 xún xù jiàn jìn | in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady progress incrementally |
序言 xù yán | preface; introductory remarks; preamble; prelude |
序列 xù liè | sequence |
排序 pái xù | to sort; to arrange in order |
有序 yǒu xù | regular; orderly; successive; in order |
程序员 chéng xù yuán | programmer |
序幕 xù mù | prologue |
序曲 xù qǔ | overture |
序号 xù hào | ordinal number; serial number; sequence number |
井然有序 jǐng rán yǒu xù | everything clear and in good order (idiom); neat and tidy |
无序 wú xù | disorderly; irregular; lack of order |
秩序井然 zhì xù jǐng rán | in perfect order |
工序 gōng xù | working procedure; process |
子程序 zǐ chéng xù | subroutine |
序数 xù shù | ordinal number |
语序 yǔ xù | word order |
源程序 yuán chéng xù | source code (computing) |
时序 shí xù | timing (of a signal or sequence); time course |
程序性 chéng xù xìng | program |
并行程序 bìng xíng chéng xù | parallel program |
並行程序 bìng xíng chéng xù | parallel program |